In this discrimination case, the Seventh Circuit affirmed spoliation sanctions against the defendant but also affirmed summary judgment in its favor.
Measuring what matters: Adopting metrics in ediscovery
This practical guide explains why metrics are critical to saving money and time in ediscovery and gives best practices for establishing helpful KPIs.
How ediscovery professionals should respond to Google’s GDPR fine
French data-privacy regulators just imposed a $57 million fine on Google for violating the GDPR. Here’s how ediscovery professionals should respond.
Native-format production appropriate under Rule 34 and parties’ agreement
The court compelled production of files in native format, citing Rule 34, the parties’ agreement, and the potential relevance of native-format files.
Produced PDF files ‘are merely pictures’ that lack critical metadata
Where the plaintiff failed to comply with FRCP 34, producing PDFs that lacked critical metadata, the court ordered production of native-format ESI.