A proof of concept is a great way to validate the long-term viability of ediscovery software prior to purchase. Here are four components of a successful POC.
Enough is Enough
It should not be a privilege for every person in America to live their lives feeling safe and secure. We must fight white supremacy individually and together if we hold hope for a better, community for us all.
5 Basic Steps For Matter Resolution
In the rush to close one case and jump to other open matters, it can be easy to overlook a few final steps. But hold on! When a matter concludes, whether it’s after trial or considerably earlier, it’s the perfect time to corral any wayward data and clean up now-obsolete information, document your work product, and evaluate opportunities to streamline your litigation response the next time around.
NuStar Energy on Efficiency and Reducing Ediscovery Costs
Zapproved recently spoke with the legal team at NuStar Energy on their use of Legal Hold Pro and Digital Discovery Pro. NuStar Energy’s team talked through how they increased efficiency and reduced costs throughout the eDiscovery process using these tools.
Paralegal Pain Points
It’s hard out there for a paralegal. Every day you’re juggling research, document review, and reporting in a highly visible role. You’re dealing with sensitive topics, vast volumes of data, and serious money. We get it. We see you. From our perspective, these are some of the primary issues affecting paralegals in the ediscovery space.
It’s Official: 2019 Was Our Best Year Ever
The results are in! We’re proud to announce record revenue growth and strong product performance to close out 2019. Zapproved exceeded revenue targets, adding 46 in-house legal teams to its existing customer base, and surpassed customer revenue retention goals by 80% to fuel continued expansion and growth for corporate litigation needs. In response to this […]