PREX Summit Series
Rule 26 and Proportionality in a Remote Work World
How will our new remote work world impact Rule 26 and proportionality? Read more from a current and a former judge about how things might…
Ephemeral Ediscovery Data: Issues, Analysis and Application
Businesses are quickly adapting to new technologies & the electronic information (ESI) they generate. Read how judges are thinking about this ephemeral data.
Dealing with Deepfakes
Advances in technology have created new software tools that allow for the creation of fabricated content. We explore the practical discovery issues of deepfakes.
Schrems II’s Impact on Cross-Border Ediscovery
In 2020, the Court of Justice of the EU issued the Shrems II judgment on data protection. Learn more about its impact on cross-border ediscovery.
The 4 Key Components of a Successful Proof of Concept Test
A proof of concept is a great way to validate the long-term viability of ediscovery software prior to purchase. Here are four components of a…