Don’t wait any longer to assess your options for in-house ediscovery software, follow these steps to find which option is best for you.
Ediscovery Security: How to Protect Corporate Legal Data
Mitigating risk is important to legal professionals regardless of their role or area of expertise. Many investigations involve sensitive data and serious allegations, all of which have the potential for additional complications if the information falls into the wrong hands.
How IT and Legal Can Work Together to Improve Data Security
Too often managing data security is overlooked by corporate legal teams. Corporate legal teams and IT can partner together to better manage data security.
What Is Data Preservation? A Guide To Creating a Defensible Data Preservation Plan
We define preservation, covering what, why, and when parties must preserve ESI for discovery — and the sanctions for spoliation if they don’t.
What Is ESI? Managing ESI for Corporate Legal Teams
Just what is electronically stored information or ESI? And what do you need to do with it when it comes to corporate e-discovery?
What Is Document Review?
Document review, the most expensive stage of ediscovery, uses teams of lawyers to determine what ESI is relevant, responsive, or privileged.