Internal investigations can be daunting because the matters are often highly sensitive, time critical, and the margin for error is slim.
Fireside Chat With Monica: Our Journey to ZDiscovery
Zapproved CEO Monica Enand shares her perspective on how ZDiscovery was tailor-made to solve corporate legal’s ediscovery challenges.
How to Win Friends and Influence People in Your IT Department
IT and Legal should not be seen as two separate siloed teams, but instead, they’re all part of supporting your organizations goals.
Zapproved Announces Release of ZDiscovery Platform
Zapproved’s industry-leading legal hold software and our powerful processing & review engine all in one platform: Introducing ZDiscovery.
How to Build an Effective Legal Ops Dashboard
An effective legal ops dashboard is one that is purpose built for your organization, your situation, and your stakeholders.
5 Essential Steps for Implementing a Successful Preservation Plan
Preserving evidence is a crucial precursor to ediscovery and all negotiations and court proceedings that come thereafter. The good news, it doesn’t require perfection.