In our sixth ediscovery best practice, we move to the tools you need — starting with automated cloud-based legal hold software.
Docs Before Responsiveness Review Violates FRCP
The court ordered the defendant to review its 575,000-document production, Bates number the responsive portions, and provide it in a usable format.
What is a litigation readiness plan?
Learn what litigation readiness is, how it reduces spoliation risks, and how to begin using strong legal holds that ensure defensible preservation.
What is Microsoft® Office 365®?
Microsoft Office 365 now includes enhanced ediscovery functions. Learn how it can help your organization streamline ediscovery and reduce costs.
Further Discovery Not Relevant Nor Proportional
After “substantial” discovery, the court denied plaintiffs’ motion to compel information about Simply Orange juice as irrelevant and disproportional.
What Is the Cloud?
The cloud is a network of computers and servers that store and process data. We explain the pros and cons of the cloud for businesses.